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2019-09-17 16:38
通过使用医院自助取单机这一新型设备时,患者只需使用条码扫描或者刷卡的操作方式,就可以轻松便捷地取得自己的检验单。这一新产品的出现,不仅给患者带来了安全快速的服务,同时也给医院减轻了大量繁杂的工作,也更大限度地避免了由于检验单的丢失、混淆、信息外泄等带来的一系列医疗纠纷。 医院自助取单机通过刷卡的方式自动获得检验或检查报告单,它不仅可以有效解决检验(检查)报告单累积和丢失问题,提高医院检验(检查)科的工作效率和服务质量;同时方便了患者在任意时段更快速地优先取到检验(检查)报告单,还减少了交叉感染等问题。
When using the new type of equipment of hospital self-service stand-alone machine, patients can easily and conveniently obtain their own test sheets by using barcode scanning or card swiping. The emergence of this new product not only brings safe and fast service to patients, but also alleviates a lot of complicated work for hospitals, and also avoids a series of medical disputes caused by the loss, confusion and information leakage of test sheets to a greater extent. Hospital self-service pick-up machine automatically obtains inspection or inspection report forms by swiping cards. It can not only effectively solve the problem of accumulation and loss of inspection report forms, but also improve the work efficiency and service quality of hospital inspection (inspection) department. At the same time, it is convenient for patients to receive inspection (inspection) more quickly at any time. ) Reporting forms also reduce cross-infection and other issues.
取单机作为一款医院检验、病理、放射、超生等医疗检查项目报告的自助取单设备,是为了方便病人、保护临床检验的信息安全而应运而生。长期以来, 由于门诊化验结果报告单的随意地放置在检验科或者服务台上,患者只能自行翻找,从来带来的一系列的检验单的丢失、混淆、信息外泄等问题,给患者带来诸多不便,有些甚至引发成医疗纠纷事件,造成医患双方的关系日益紧张。
As a self-service billing device for medical examination reports, such as hospital inspection, pathology, radiology, birth control and so on, stand-alone machine came into being for the convenience of patients and the protection of information security of clinical examination. For a long time, because the report forms of outpatient laboratory results are placed randomly on the laboratory or service desk, patients can only search for them by themselves. A series of problems, such as loss, confusion and information leakage, have brought many inconveniences to patients, and some even caused medical disputes, resulting in both doctors and patients. Relations are becoming increasingly tense.
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